Carter W. Daniels, Ph.D

A website dedicated to behavioral neuroscience, coding, and writing of various kinds

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Most recent update: 8/10/2023 @ 1:10 am

  1. Fitting custom mixture models to reveal nuanced behavioral fluctuations sensitive to different schedules of reinforcement that require response withholding as well as sensitivity to reducing motivation; all in service of a paper not yet published but tentatively titled: Response-Inhibition Capacity of Mice is Differentially Modulated by Response Topography in Two Response-Withholding Tasks
  2. Pushing the limits of Scalar Invariant timing to determine whether time perception is scalar invariant in dynamic environments; all in service of a paper not yet published but tentatively titled: Tracking of Sinusoidal Time is Not Scalar Invariant
  3. Reanalyzing my dissertation with Bayesian Statistical Models to make the analysis of my yet-to-be-published dissertation more cohesive between Switch-Timing and Temporal Bisection. Unfortunately since I only have access to my linux laptop for running these large models it will take sometime. Nonetheless, check it out and hopefully soon there will be paper titled: Response-Initiation Differentially Affects Explicit and Implicit Switch Timing